How Baby #86: Becoming (Part 1)
One of my biggest concerns going into motherhood was how I was going to balance it with also being an artist. By all accounts, it was expected that motherhood would completely absorb all my other identities — forevermore, I’d be a something-mom. Working-mom, stay-at-home-mom, gamer-mom, granola-mom, you know. What I didn’t know was how I was going to be an artist-mom.
When I asked artist-moms (when I could find them), they would give me pat advice like ‘it’s all about time management’ which, while true, I now know barely scratched the surface. When I talk to aspiring artist-moms now, I want to be able to take the time to do better.
So, this strip (and the next one) is going to be about some real-world advice on how to incorporate art into your life as a mother. Of course, it’s coming from someone who is still figuring it out herself, but hopefully it’s helpful to someone out there! Stay tuned for the next strip with the continuation!
This strip features cameos from Phoebe N. and dogunderwater! Thank you so much for your support! if you want to be in How Baby, pop on over to the Patreon and pledge at the $2+ level! There’s also a sneak cameo from a character from a comic I’m working on with Michael Elliott for Cloudscape’s Bones of the Coast anthology… spoooooky… more information on that as time goes on!