More true stories about Momo! I’m sure everyone at the grocery store was very charmed by my accessory. Good thing I don’t embarrass easily, I guess? 🙂

Sometimes I feel a little guilty that I’ve never really been a scrapbooker, and didn’t really keep up with the whole ‘baby book’ thing, then I remember… I’m gonna have plenty of stories just like this one, thank goodness.

I still have spots left for How Baby-style family portraits! Here is an example! If you’d like the essence of your family (or yourself, or your pets…) captured in likeness forever (…ominous!), shoot me an email:! I’m gonna be doing commissions like this all month, then I’ve gotta close up shop to work on the ones that are coming in from the Bones of the Coast kickstarter – which fully funded on Monday! Woo! I’m gonna be in a spooky anthology!