#262: Lying Cat
What’s the intersection of people who read How Baby and people who read Saga, the incredible comic series by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples? Pretty high? Probably.
(There’s a character named Lying Cat, who is a giant sentient sphinx cat who hisses ‘lying’ when, as you can probably guess, someone is lying.)
Lying Cat has become a bit of a punchline in this house, as Momo has started lying with abandon. And, like, obvious stuff, like lying when I ask if she’s wet the bed, or snuck into her Halloween candy, or has closed her door like I won’t notice that she’s playing instead of cleaning.
“Mom! How did you know??” she cries. Well, child, little do you know, I too was four years old once. Also, I have known you all your life. I know things. I don’t need a talking cat to tell me your secrets.
(Story time: Fiona is a huge part of my artistic inspiration, and to be able to look at her style and think ‘I could do that some day, and make it as a comic artist too’ is massively uplifting. I got a chance to tell her that at a show once, and her response? “Honey… you’re already here.” I had managed to keep my calm up to that point, but I pretty much lost capable speech then. I still get the wibbles thinking about it. So go read Saga!! The people who make it are really nice!!)