#378: Grudge
Happy Half-Price Chocolate Day!
As a reformed Weird Kid, learning how to help Momo traverse the rocky waters that are school friendships has been a trip. For example, I didn’t realize that at the tender age of five, she’d already be holding grudges at a high school level. But she’s still just little, so her methods are cute, like a mouthy puppy instead of a bite.
She gets along pretty well with all the kids in her class – I was surprised to learn, as she was decorating her Valentines, that she can sight-read all of the names of her classmates! – but I guess one of the other girls told Momo that she didn’t want to be friends, and it’s this big thing. We already had a bunch of conversations about how not everyone is going to be friends, and how you can still be nice, et cetera, but apparently Momo took this pretty personally.
I like that ‘you can still be nice to people you aren’t friends with’ translates to giving them only ONE heart on their mandatory Valentine. I’m just so amused by Momo calmly accepting that everyone in her class gets a present, but damned if she’s going to put more effort than she has to into it!
In unrelated news, I’ve opened another short round of commissions for D&D (and other tabletop) characters! I can probably take two or three more before they close again, so if you missed it last time, here’s your chance again! I probably won’t be opening them again until later in April.