How Baby #70: Contagious
When one person in the household isn’t having a good day, we’re all not having a good day. It’s, unfortunately, contagious. Especially right now, because everyone is getting a little sick, so we just go through phases of being cranky and damaging everyone else’s chill.
(FYI: drawing this strip made it pretty obvious how comical it is that Kev and I both have the same haircut. Six years married and we’re getting to the point where we’re just palette swaps of the same model.)
I added a new convention to next year’s schedule, C2E2 in Chicago in March! If you’re nearby, stop by and say hello!
Also, if you like my fanart and stuff too, I just put a small collection of this year’s lineart up on Gumroad (or free for patrons), which you can download and print out like a colouring book! There’s a SFW and an NSFW version.