Friends, the year has finally arrived: Momo was finally old enough to grasp the whole ‘Santa’ thing, and she was into it. I was stoked. I’d been training my whole life for this moment.

Like we did with her birthday, we’d been slowly accumulating presents over the past few months. Nothing for each other – this year, we got ourselves the gift of winter tires and new brakes, hah! But watching her open her gifts yesterday was worth it. She was so careful and grateful with everything, she’s such a good egg.

I hope you all reading this are having a wonderful holiday season, whether it be Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, or something else! Hold your family close, and pretend it’s a big hug from me too. I’m so #blessed to have y’all as part of my life, and to be a part of yours as well in some small way. I hope in 2017 to see more of your wonderful faces at conventions, and to make more things that keep you smiling. <3